Our Policies


Our Policies

Privacy Policy


At Snackbrands Australia we want your on-line experience to be enjoyable and we take care to respect your privacy when you visit our web site. We abide by a strict Code of Practice that demands we handle your personal details responsibly. This Code also requires that we act fairly and honestly in all communications. We do this gladly because we know that if you have a good experience with us, you will want to visit our web site again... and maybe even tell your friends about us.

We Provide Essential Online Information


We provide clear, complete and up-to-date information online about our business and the products and services we offer. This includes how to get in touch with us. This information helps you to make informed choices.

If you are not satisfied with any of our products, you can make an enquiry by calling us direct on 1800 501 441 or email at orders@snackbrands.com.au. For any service related issues, please phone 1300 132 123 or email orders@snackbrands.com.au. We maintain your information on our database together with details of the enquiry.

Information Collection/Use


We only collect customer information that is necessary for what we do. For example, when you place an order either by fax/phone or email, we need to have your name, e-mail address, mailing address, credit card number and expiration date. This enables us to process your order and to notify you regarding its status. In addition, we limit the collection of highly sensitive information about customers (e.g. racial, ethnic origin, political opinions, etc.) because, in general, it is not necessary for what we do.

We always tell you who we are and what we intend to do with your information when we receive it. We strive to be open - we will let you know what sort of personal information we hold, how we collect it, how we use and disclose it, if you want to know.

We also ensure that your personal details are accurate, complete and up-to-date when we use or collect them through our verification process.

We only collect personal information by lawful and fair means. This means we are never unreasonably intrusive when it comes to dealing with our customers. From time to time, we may also collect non-personal information from our customers. This helps us in our ongoing efforts to improve and develop new products

We Will Respect Your Preferences


We may also use the information we collect to keep you abreast of changes to our website, to inform you about new products and services. If you would rather not receive this information, please notify the customer service representative at the time of call or email to orders@snackbrands.com.au.

We always provide customers with an opportunity to opt-out of receiving future information on our products and/or services. If you don't wish to receive new information, please notify the customer service representative at the time of your call.

Offering Information to Other Parties

We only use or disclose information about our customers in ways they would expect. This means we only use information to process your order or to improve and develop new products. We may also use this information to improve and update our website. In terms of disclosure, there is only one instance where your name and address might leave our system. This would happen only when we are dealing with a third party to conduct a promotion. Example of this would be if we needed to give your details out for shipment of the prizes.

If you do agree to have your details transferred, be reassured: we take steps to protect our customers' privacy if we transfer personal information about them to other organisations.


Let Us Know What You Think


Privacy is a sensitive issue. At anytime, if you believe we have not adhered to these principles, please let us know by e-mail at orders@snackbrands.com.au and we will make every effort to review and correct the problem. We also welcome your questions and comments about privacy and our Code of Practice.

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